Common Types of Ergonomic Injuries

common types of ergonomic injuries

Poor ergonomics can have various harmful effects on the body. Here are some of the most common afflictions caused by a work environment that is not adequate from the point of view of ergonomics:

  • Musculoskeletal afflictions –common types of ergonomic injuries are caused by working in an incorrect posture, spending long periods seated on an unsuitable chair, performing repetitive motion, or by a movement that exerts strain on the body, such as lifting heavy objects. Musculoskeletal problems can affect the body’s muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and bones. The most common forms of manifestation include pain and stiffness in the neck and the back, degenerative disc disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, tennis elbow, and pain or tingling in the legs and in the arms;
  • Excessive strain for the eyes – working in a poorly illuminated environment, on a computer with an old, vibrating screen can be harmful to the eyes. Eye strain can manifest not only in the form of blurred or poor vision but also as headaches, migraines, or nausea;
  • Exposure – the prolonged exposure to dust, chemicals, and vibrations can also cause physical harm, affecting the lungs, the skin, the airways, and the body’s blood vessels and muscles.



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