The Importance of Sleep and How Adequate Sleep Can Improve Your Health and Well-being 

When we sleep, our entire body takes a necessary break, including the brain. Yes, the brain is probably the hardest working organ, as it coordinates everything, from your heartbeat to the movement of your hands and feet.

A good night’s sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Here are just a few reasons why:

  1. Lower Risk of Heart Disease

A good sleep prevents high blood pressure. While you are sleeping the blood pressure regulates itself. This is one of the simplest ways of preventing heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is the response of body tissues to trauma and infection. You may not know it, but various types of pain and discomfort are caused by inflamed tissues. Getting a good night sleep helps lower the level of inflammation, helping the body heal itself. In addition to restful sleep, a chiropractor in Denver near me providing top-of-the-line services affirms that chiropractic adjustments may reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

  1. Preventing Depression

Depression is an invisible illness – and a crippling one. People with depression feel unable to function in society and have very low energy levels. Decades of research have still not reached a clear conclusion of what causes depression.

However, various clinical studies showed that people with insomnia are very likely to develop depression. Even poor sleep (apnea, sleep disturbances) may eventually lead to the onset of depression.

The post The Importance of Sleep and How Adequate Sleep Can Improve Your Health and Well-being  appeared first on Downtown's Healthcare.


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