What is Patellar Tracking Disorder

The femoral-patellar joint can be a source of pain when it fails to function properly. Improper alignment or excessive stress on the joint can lead to cartilage wear and the apparition of the Patellar Tracking Disorder. It causes pain, joint stiffness, and swelling of the knee joint. Several different problems can affect the patella in people of all ages.

One of the most common causes of knee pain is the way the patella moves in the femoral groove when flexion-extension movements are performed involving the knee. Leading knee pain Denver doctors tell us that Pallet tracking disorder is most common in patients who play sports that involve knee bending, jumping or squatting.

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The quadriceps help control the patella to stay in place. If part of the quadriceps is atrophied, a muscle imbalance can occur, which causes the patella to move toward the part where the muscle is more toned. This way, it causes more pressure on the articular cartilage, and femur-patellar stress occurs. Over time, this pressure can damage the articular cartilage.

Atrophy of the muscles around the hip can also indirectly affect the patella and can lead to Patellar Tracking Disorder. Atrophy of the abductor muscles of the hip can lead to imbalances in the alignment of the entire limb – including the knee joint. This leads to abnormal movement of the patella in the femoral groove, and eventually to pain around it.


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