The 5 Signs of Inflammation
Inflammation is one of the ways in which the body reacts to the attacks by outside invaders, such as bacteria or viruses. When the body is under the attack of these invaders, whether the target is an internal organ or a part of the Musculo-skeletal system, it sends white blood cells to surround the affected area and to kill the invaders. The process leads to the appearance of various signs and symptoms – here are the five most common signs:
- Pain – this is usually the first sign of inflammation, worsening over time if the body is unable to eliminate the infection in time or if the help received through medication is not sufficient;
- Heat – the area affected by the inflammation is usually hot to the touch;
- Redness – the inflamed area is usually of a red or purple color that is different from the surrounding, unaffected area;
- Swelling – a very common sign as well. The symptom is common for inflammation that affects the skin only as well as for inflammation in the deeper tissues, such as the bones, the joints or the muscles;
- Loss of function – inflammation that affects the muscles, the joints or the bones is usually accompanies by rigidness and decreased range of motion.
- If you are experiencing these symptoms, there are a variety of treatment options for you to explore. Talk to your medical doctor and experienced stem cell treatment Denver providers for alternative ways to reduce inflammation and pain.
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